
2025-02-03monthly return for the month ended 31/01/2025
2025-01-02monthly return for the month ended 31/12/2024
2024-12-02monthly return for the month ended 30/11/2024
2024-11-01monthly return for the month ended 31/10/2024
2024-10-02monthly return for the month ended 30/09/2024
2024-09-17further change in use of proceeds from rights issue
2024-09-02monthly return for the month ended 31/08/2024
2024-08-19interim results announcement for the six months ended 30 june 2024
2024-08-07notice of board meeting
2024-08-01monthly return for the month ended 31/07/2024
2024-07-03monthly return for the month ended 30/06/2024
2024-06-07the companies act (revised) exempted company limited by shares third amended and restated memorandum of association
2024-06-07change of company secretary and authorised representative
2024-06-07poll results of annual general meeting held on 7 june 2024
2024-06-03monthly return for the month ended 31/05/2024
2024-05-02monthly return for the month ended 30/04/2024
2024-04-26notice of annual general meeting
2024-04-02monthly return for the month ended 31/03/2024
2024-03-27annual results announcement for the year ended 31 december 2023
2024-03-14notice of board meeting
2024-03-05monthly return for the month ended 29/02/2024
2024-02-02monthly return for the month ended 31/01/2024
2024-01-02monthly return for the month ended 31/12/2023
2023-12-04monthly return for the month ended 30/11/2023
2023-11-10third quarterly results announcement for the nine months ended 30 september 2023
2023-11-01monthly return for the month ended 31/10/2023
2023-10-31notice of board meeting
2023-10-04monthly return for the month ended 30/09/2023
2023-08-11interim results announcement for the six months ended 30 june 2023
2023-08-03monthly return for the month ended 31/07/2023
2023-08-01notice of board meeting
2023-07-03monthly return for the month ended 30/06/2023
2023-06-28second amended and restated memorandum of association
2023-06-28clarification announcement in relation to the second amended memorandum and articles of association of the company
2023-06-16company information sheet
2023-06-16list of directors and their roles and functions
2023-06-16change of independent non-executive director, chairman of audit committee, and member of audit committee, remuneration committee and nomination committee
2023-06-09second amended and restated memorandum of association
2023-06-09poll results of annual general meeting held on 9 june 2023
2023-06-01monthly return for the month ended 31/05/2023
2023-05-12first quarterly results announcement for the three months ended 31 march 2023
2023-05-09notice of annual general meeting
2023-05-02monthly return for the month ended 30/04/2023
2023-05-02monthly return for the month ended 30/04/2023
2023-04-04monthly return for the month ended 31/03/2023
2023-03-30annual results announcement for the year ended 31 december 2022
2023-03-30proposed adoption of second amended memorandum and articles of association of the company
2023-03-15notice of board meeting
2023-03-03monthly return for the month ended 28/02/2023
2023-02-13voluntary announcement business update on joint venture cooperation with shuifa huaxia
2023-02-02monthly return for the month ended 31/01/2023
2023-01-30voluntary announcement business update
2023-01-05change in use of proceeds from rights issue and strategic cooperation agreement
2023-01-03monthly return for the month ended 31/12/2022
2022-12-30remuneration committee - terms of reference
2022-12-01monthly return for the month ended 30/11/2022
2022-11-11third quarterly results announcement for the nine months ended 30 september 2022
2022-11-01monthly return for the month ended 31/10/2022
2022-11-01notice of board meeting
2022-10-05monthly return for the month ended 30/09/2022
2022-09-02monthly return for the month ended 31/08/2022
2022-08-29supplemental announcement in relation to use of proceeds from placings and right issue
2022-08-10interim results announcement for the six months ended 30 june 2022
2022-08-02monthly return for the month ended 31/07/2022
2022-07-29notice of board meeting
2022-07-06monthly return for the month ended 30/06/2022
2022-06-21voluntary announcement acquisition of shares of the company by accp global limited
2022-06-10poll results of annual general meeting held on 10 june 2022
2022-06-01monthly return for the month ended 31/05/2022
2022-05-12first quarterly results announcement for the three months ended 31 march 2022
2022-05-10notice of annual general meeting
2022-05-03monthly return for the month ended 30/04/2022
2022-04-28notice of board meeting
2022-04-13voluntary announcement proposed establishment of a joint venture
2022-04-07discloseable transaction disposal of property
2022-04-06monthly return for the month ended 31/03/2022
2022-03-28annual results announcement for the year ended 31 december 2021
2022-03-16notice of board meeting
2022-03-11voluntary announcement appointment of consultant
2022-03-03monthly return for the month ended 28/02/2022
2022-02-10voluntary announcement business update on joint venture cooperation with shuifa huaxia
2022-02-07monthly return for the month ended 31/01/2022
2022-01-25voluntary announcement memorandum of understanding in relation to the joint venture cooperation with shuifa huaxia group co., ltd.
2022-01-04monthly return for the month ended 31/12/2021
2021-12-03monthly return for the month ended 30/11/2021
2021-12-01monthly return for the month ended 30/11/2021
2021-11-15company information sheet
2021-11-15next day disclosure return
2021-11-12third quarterly results announcement for the nine months ended 30 september 2021
2021-11-09results of the rights issue on the basis of three (3) rights share for every one (1) existing share held on the record date on a non-underwritten basis (436kb
2021-11-03monthly return for the month ended 31/10/2021
2021-11-01notice of board meeting
2021-10-28announcement of (1) results of the valid acceptances of rights shares; and (2) number of the unsubscribed rights shares and the es unsold rights shares under the compensatory arrangements
2021-10-08announcement rights issue on the basis of three (3) rights shares for every one (1) existing share held on record date on a non-underwritten basis material contracts and documents on display pursuant to paragraph 42 of the appendix 1b to the gem listing rules
2021-10-08rights issue (multi-files)
2021-10-08provisional allotment letter
2021-10-08rights issue on the basis of three (3) rights shares for every one (1) existing share held on record date on a non-underwritten basis
2021-10-06monthly return for the month ended 30/09/2021
2021-09-24poll result of the extraordinary general meeting held on 24 september 2021; and commencement of dealing in the shares on an ex-rights basis
2021-09-10company information sheet
2021-09-10list of directors and their roles and functions
2021-09-10appointment of executive director, chief executive officer and compliance officer
2021-09-06company information sheet
2021-09-06list of directors and their roles and functions
2021-09-06resignation of an executive director
2021-09-02monthly return for the month ended 31/08/2021
2021-08-11interim results announcement for the six months ended 30 june 2021
2021-08-03monthly return for the month ended 31/07/2021
2021-08-01date of board meeting
2021-07-29proposed rights issue on the basis of three (3) rights shares for every one (1) existing share held on record date on a non-underwritten basis
2021-07-05monthly return for the month ended 30/06/2021
2021-06-23company information sheet
2021-06-22next day disclosure return
2021-06-22completion of placing of new shares under general mandate
2021-06-04monthly return for the month ended 31/05/2021
2021-05-31placing of new shares under general mandate
2021-05-28poll results of annual general meeting held on 28 may 2021
2021-05-12first quarterly results announcement for the three months ended 31 march 2021
2021-05-04monthly return for the month ended 30/04/2021
2021-04-30notice of board meeting
2021-04-22notice of annual general meeting
2021-04-07monthly return for the month ended 31/03/2021
2021-03-29voluntary announcement memorandum of understanding in relation to potential business cooperation
2021-03-26annual results announcement for the year ended 31 december 2020
2021-03-18next day disclosure return
2021-03-16completion of placing of new shares under general mandate
2021-03-15notice of board meeting
2021-03-09company information sheet
2021-03-03monthly return for the month ended 28/02/2021
2021-02-26placing of new shares under general mandate
2021-02-04further change in use of proceeds
2021-02-03monthly return for the month ended 31/01/2021
2021-02-02next day disclosure return
2021-01-28completion of discloseable transaction in relation to acquisition of interest in the target company involving issue of consideration shares under specific mandate
2021-01-18poll results of the extraordinary general meeting held on 18 january 2021
2021-01-04monthly return for the month ended 31/12/2020
2020-12-30extension of long stop date
2020-12-30notice of extraordinary general meeting
2020-12-23further delay in despatch of circular in relation to the discloseable transaction
2020-12-17revised expected timetable in relation to proposed share consolidation
2020-12-16further delay in despatch of circular in relation to the discloseable transaction
2020-12-04monthly return for the month ended 30/11/2020
2020-11-30delay in despatch of circular in relation to discloseable transaction
2020-11-20supplementary announcement in relation to discloseable transaction
2020-11-17(i) discloseable transaction acquisition of interest in the target company involving issue of consideration shares under specific mandate; (ii) proposed share consolidation; and (iii) proposed increase in authorised share capital
2020-11-11third quarterly results announcement for the nine months ended 30 september 2020
2020-11-03monthly return for the month ended 31/10/2020
2020-10-30notice of board meeting
2020-10-23completion of subscription of new shares under general mandate
2020-10-12subscription of new shares under general mandate
2020-10-05monthly return for the month ended 30/09/2020
2020-09-07voluntary announcement - business update
2020-09-02monthly return for the month ended 31/08/2020
2020-08-24next day disclosure return
2020-08-24completion of discloseable transaction in relation to acquisition of interest in the target company involving issue of consideration shares under general mandate
2020-08-18update on expected timeline for use of proceeds
2020-08-14interim results announcement for the six months ended 30 june 2020
2020-08-04notice of board meeting
2020-08-03monthly return for the month ended 31/07/2020
2020-07-02monthly return for the month ended 30/06/2020
2020-06-02monthly return for the month ended 31/05/2020
2020-05-29poll results of annual general meeting held on 29 may 2020
2020-05-22supplemental announcement in relation to discloseable transaction acquisition of interest in the target company involving issue of consideration shares under general mandate
2020-05-08first quarterly results announcement for the three months ended 31 march 2020
2020-05-04monthly return for the month ended 30/04/2020
2020-04-29clarification announcement
2020-04-24notice of board meeting
2020-04-03suspension of director's duties
2020-04-02monthly return for the month ended 31/03/2020
2020-03-27annual results announcement for the year ended 31 december 2019
2020-03-16notice of board meeting
2020-03-03monthly return for the month ended 29/02/2020
2020-02-24discloseable transaction - acquisition of interest in the target company involving issue of consideration shares under general mandate
2020-02-03monthly return for the month ended 31/01/2020
2020-01-02monthly return for the month ended 31/12/2019
2019-12-05change of auditor
2019-12-03monthly return for the month ended 30/11/2019
2019-11-12change in use of proceeds
2019-11-12third quarterly results announcement for the nine months ended 30 september 2019
2019-11-01monthly return for the month ended 31/10/2019
2019-10-31notice of board meeting
2019-10-02monthly return for the month ended 30/09/2019
2019-09-02monthly return for the month ended 31/08/2019
2019-08-26company information sheet
2019-08-26list of directors and their roles and functions
2019-08-26company information sheet
2019-08-09company information sheet
2019-08-02monthly return for the month ended 31/07/2019
2019-08-01list of directors and their roles and functions
2019-08-01notice of board meeting
2019-07-31change of independent non-executive director
2019-07-09company information sheet
2019-07-03monthly return for the month ended 30/06/2019
2019-06-28list of directors and their roles and functions
2019-06-28resignation of executive director and independent non-executive director
2019-06-19company information sheet
2019-06-03monthly return for the month ended 31/05/2019
2019-06-03company information sheet
2019-05-21list of directors and their roles and functions
2019-05-21(1) appointment of an executive director and an independent non-executive director and (2) change of company secretary
2019-05-15first quarterly results announcement for the three months ended 31 march 2019
2019-05-15poll results of annual general meeting held on 15 may 2019
2019-05-03monthly return for the month ended 30/04/2019
2019-04-29notice of board meeting
2019-04-03company information sheet
2019-04-02monthly return for the month ended 31/03/2019
2019-03-28notice of annual general meeting
2019-03-22annual results announcement for the year ended 31 december 2018
2019-03-12notice of board meeting
2019-03-06monthly return for the month ended 28/02/2019
2019-02-14company information sheet
2019-02-01monthly return for the month ended 31/01/2019
2019-01-04monthly return for the month ended 31/12/2018
2018-12-31nomination committee - terms of reference
2018-12-21inside information announcement - dividend policy
2018-12-21audit committee - terms of reference
2018-12-07inside information announcement - commencement of new business
2018-12-04monthly return for the month ended 30/11/2018
2018-11-23company information sheet
2018-11-12third quarterly results announcement for the nine months ended 30 september 2018
2018-11-08clarification announcement
2018-11-05list of directors and their roles and functions
2018-11-05appointment of executive director
2018-11-01monthly return for the month ended 31/10/2018
2018-10-31notice of board meeting
2018-10-05company information sheet
2018-10-03monthly return for the month ended 30/09/2018
2018-09-04company information sheet
2018-09-04monthly return for the month ended 31/08/2018
2018-08-22company information sheet
2018-08-10interim results announcement for the six months ended 30 june 2018
2018-08-06monthly return for the month ended 31/07/2018
2018-07-27notice of board meeting
2018-07-09company information sheet
2018-07-05monthly return for the month ended 30/06/2018
2018-06-04monthly return for the month ended 31/05/2018
2018-05-15company information sheet
2018-05-11first quarterly results announcement for the three months ended 31 march 2018
2018-05-11list of directors and their roles and functions
2018-05-11poll results of annual general meeting held on 11 may 2018 and retirement of non-executive director
2018-05-03monthly return for the month ended 30/04/2018
2018-04-27profit warning
2018-04-27notice of board meeting
2018-04-04company information sheet
2018-04-04monthly return for the month ended 31/03/2018
2018-03-28notice of annual general meeting
2018-03-23annual results announcement for the year ended 31 december 2017
2018-03-13profit warning
2018-03-09notice of board meeting
2018-03-01monthly return for the month ended 28/02/2018
2018-02-06company information sheet
2018-02-02monthly return for the month ended 31/01/2018
2018-01-16list of directors and their roles and functions
2018-01-16appointment of executive director
2018-01-03monthly return for the month ended 31/12/2017
2017-12-20company information sheet
2017-12-04monthly return for the month ended 30/11/2017
2017-11-27pledge of shares by controlling shareholder
2017-11-23company information sheet
2017-11-20company information sheet
2017-11-13third quarterly results announcement for the nine months ended 30 september 2017
2017-11-01monthly return for the month ended 31/10/2017
2017-10-30change of address of hong kong share registrar and transfer office
2017-10-27notice of board meeting
2017-10-16company information sheet
2017-10-12company information sheet
2017-10-10exchange notice - resumption of trading
2017-10-09(1) memorandum of understanding in respect of proposed formation of a joint venture; and (2) unusual price and trading volume movements; and (3) trading halt and resumption of trading
2017-10-09trading halt
2017-10-09exchange notice - trading halt
2017-10-04monthly return for the month ended 30/09/2017
2017-09-13company information sheet
2017-09-01monthly return for the month ended 31/08/2017
2017-08-11interim results announcement for the six months ended 30 june 2017
2017-08-01notice of board meeting
2017-08-01monthly return for the month ended 31/07/2017
2017-07-25company information sheet
2017-07-06high concentration of shareholding
2017-07-06sfc announcement - high concentration of shareholding
2017-07-03monthly return for the month ended 30/06/2017
2017-07-03company information sheet
2017-06-29company information sheet
2017-06-05monthly return for the month ended 31/05/2017
2017-05-19poll results of annual general meeting held on 19 may 2017
2017-05-15first quarterly results announcement for the three months ended 31 march 2017
2017-05-04company information sheet
2017-05-02notice of board meeting
2017-05-02monthly return for the month ended 30/04/2017
2017-04-12change of name of principal share registrar and transfer office in the cayman islands
2017-04-05monthly return for the month ended 31/03/2017
2017-03-29notice of annual general meeting
2017-03-23annual results announcement for the year ended 31 december 2016
2017-03-10notice of board meeting
2017-03-07profit warning
2017-03-01monthly return for the month ended 28/02/2017
2017-02-03monthly return for the month ended 31/01/2017
2017-01-04monthly return for the month ended 31/12/2016
2016-12-01monthly return for the month ended 30/11/2016
2016-11-11third quarterly results announcement for the nine months ended 30 september 2016
2016-11-01monthly return for the month ended 31/10/2016
2016-10-31notice of board meeting
2016-10-25company information sheet
2016-10-05change of address of principal place of business in hong kong and process agent
2016-10-05monthly return for the month ended 30/09/2016
2016-09-02monthly return for the month ended 31/08/2016
2016-08-10interim results announcement for the six months ended 30 june 2016
2016-08-04monthly return for the month ended 31/07/2016
2016-07-28notice of board meeting
2016-07-05form f
2016-07-05remuneration committee - terms of reference
2016-07-05nomination committee - terms of reference
2016-07-05audit committee - terms of reference
2016-07-05list of directors and their roles and functions
2016-07-05amended and restated articles of association
2016-07-05listing on the growth enterprise market of the stock exchange of hong kong limited by way of placing
2016-06-28listing on the growth enterprise market of the stock exchange of hong kong limited by way of placing