
2025-02-28next day disclosure return
2024-04-26proxy form for the annual general meeting to be held on 7 june 2024
2024-04-26(1) proposed general mandates to issue shares and repurchase shares, (2) proposed re-election of directors, (3) proposed adoption of third amended memorandum and articles of association and (4) notice of annual general meeting
2024-02-26letter to non-registered shareholders - mandatory electronic dissemination of corporate communications
2024-02-26letter to registered shareholders and reply form - mandatory electronic dissemination of corporate communications
2023-05-09proposals for general mandates to issue shares and repurchase shares and re-election of directors and adoption of second amended memorandum and articles of association and notice of annual general meeting
2023-05-09proxy form for the annual general meeting to be held on 9 june 2023
2022-05-10proxy form for the annual general meeting to be held on 10 june 2022
2022-05-10proposals for general mandates to issue shares and repurchase shares and re-election of directors and notice of annual general meeting
2021-09-03proxy form for use by shareholders at the extraordinary general meeting to be held at 11:00 a.m. on friday, 24 september 2021 at unit 5d, 5/f, hang cheong factory building, no. 1 wing ming street, kowloon, hong kong (or any adjournment thereof)
2021-04-22proxy form for the annual general meeting to be held on 28 may 2021
2021-04-22proposals for general mandates to issue shares and repurchase shares and re-election of directors and notice of annual general meeting
2020-12-30proxy form for use at the extraordinary meeting to be held at 11:00 a.m. on monday, 18 january 2021 at unit 5d, 5/f, hang cheong factory building, no. 1 wing ming street, kowloon, hong kong
2020-12-30(i) discloseable transaction in relation to acquisition of interest in the target company involving issue of consideration shares under specific mandate; (ii) proposed share consolidation; (iii) proposed increase in authorised share capital; and (iv) notice of extraordinary general meeting
2019-03-28proxy form for the annual general meeting to be held on 15 may 2019
2019-03-28proposals for general mandates to issue shares and repurchase shares and re-election of directors and notice of annual general meeting
2018-03-28proxy form for the annual general meeting to be held on 11 may 2018
2018-03-28proposals for general mandates to issue shares and repurchase shares and re-election of directors and notice of annual general meeting
2017-03-29proxy form for the annual general meeting to be held on 19 may 2017
2017-03-29proposals for general mandates to issue shares and repurchase shares and re-election of directors and notice of annual general meeting
2016-06-27phip (1st revised proof)
2016-06-27phip (1st revised proof) (multi-files)
2016-06-24phip (1st submission)
2016-06-24phip (1st submission) (multi-files)
2016-03-23application proof (1st submission)
2016-03-23application proof (1st submission) (multi-files)